

Media Life

Welcome To The Life Of A Black Media Girl

It could have been anything, I could have chosen to be someone else, I could have Decided to chase something else, But then again
“The Things that Excite me are connected to my Purpose, they Set my Soul, So With Fear, Uncertainty, Hope, And complete Faith I Chase after it!!!

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My Life Is An Art And Africa is My Magic


Long Time no Post!!! I feel so ashamed right now,  thank Goodness you can not see how ashamed of myself I am,i have no excuse😢😢😢

I am Sorry Guys, Deeply and Sincerly sorry Guys I swear, I hope you find a small Corner in your Heart to Forgive Me and Allow me continue Blogging you back to Happiness 👅👅

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Media Life

The Big Debut


Sharing my Craziest Moments from this “Media Job ” Craze cannot be complete without talking about that February Event!!! I think it was the 10th day sef, I cannot remember precisely, but I sure cannot forget was the way my head hurt due to the “Wonderful ” hairdo from the night before, the anxiety that filled even the very air I inhaled, the countless tip I read from my  “communication books” and the YouTube videos didn’t help much,  and to think I was watching Oprah😂😂,A girl sure must think big right??

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The Hustle is Real

hustle is real

Media,they say is all about the make Believe Life!From the car you drive to the House you Live, to the Friends you keep, the places you should be seen at, the events you should attend, the designer bags and the designers clothes you should have on, I mean from Roberto Carvalii, To Channel, To Gucci, to Hermes…. The list goes on and on….. Those ones are still far Abi??

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African Parent don’t give you freedom, you force it from them……


21 year old Girl, who has a strong Passion for Media? Yeah that’s me, I live in Africa’s most Urban city, that is the City of Lagos, living at the Outskirt of the city has been more like an Hinderance to “My Big Media Dreams”, Going from this end of the world to The Island for a Show is way worse than going to Onitsha for a 10am appointment,Like Urrrrghh, 😢😢

Now let’s discuss this thing with Freedom?

Is it just my house Abi na War to go show especially in a City that knows no sleep like Lagos, where a 6pm-9pm Show starts by 8:30?

I am always on my phone to checkup  happenings and events around the globe but my mother keeps up with the Nag, What are you always doing with your phone?  One of these days I hope i don’t  get force to ask,Do you ever ask a Fisherman what he is always doing with Hooks?

I hope by that question I don’t automatically get the freedom I want to snatched out by living on the island, but this time under the Bridge of course 😅😅

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Welcome to Magic ✨

Welcome to magic

Explore the Life of an African Black Girl who believes Her World is Magical. A self Aware Woman who is confident of her Scars, Stories.
Stay Glued to This Space,For Everything Lady Kofo”A Lady Made From Magic

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Media Life

I Did it Afraid I Did it Confused, I did it Tired.I Did it Scared


I am the Last person to even dare this Media Industry, should I say “Highly Saturated Industry?”, ” I Mean, too much expectations, Your skin had to look some certain way, So did your Wardrobe, Or Ghana must go sev?? Arrrggh,!!! And accent struggle,?? Too too much  Craze,  A graduate from a College In London is guaranteed  chances of  a Job in Nigeria,more than a graduate of a Reputable University from our end, why is that???  Don’t worry, Him Sabi Sound Like Oyinbo pass you😂😂,

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