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It’s Finally out there, Yesssssss, without any warning or a fore indications, i have found myself in a season of my Life where i am a full blown MANAGER. While i can seat down here and act as though i was not prepared to be Leader all my Life i won’t act oblivious of that. Interestingly, When i turned 27 in March, i got a revelation that there a new season i was about to step into, my sister Rhoda had given me a Word of How God was making Me a Standard where None Existed and Trust Me to try to use my Human reasoning to figure it out. Wait maybe its Corporate event hosting, so i started to find how to brush those skills up and begin to position myself for it, since God has confirmed that i was called to the Media Mountain.

So Let Me tell you How i have come to Understand God’s sense of Humor, also in March, ( well i think my year started in March, literally like some sort of awakening) i had signed up for a school of coaching which was an intense training on leadership, people management, amongst other things. And how i took it with utmost seriousness is assuming. And how much i have grown just by showing up and staying in that class, Fast Forward to June and i am practicing all that i have learnt in class!!!! Like Holy Spirit i am barely out of class.

So here i am 27 year old Woman who has no plan but God, How i went from being that TV girl doubting her own voice to Asking, God what are you doing with My Life, God is my Blueprint, i do not have to understand the full Map, but just follow He who has the Light with Him.

Yes in another blog post i will have a comprehensive list of the things i have learnt in the corporate space, How i have been able to manage it all, Time management!!! yes please my weekends have become some sort of Sacred thing, that is even asides how short it is. I would really like to take you on this journey with me and i hope you would come along with Me.

If you have stayed reading this blog post till this time, you are the real MVP. Do not forget to connect with me across all social media platform @theladykofo


The author Lbmg

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